Kosmos the Reborn

Kosmos Reborn

When he was a mortal, fighting for the god king, he was known as Kosmos the Coward. Then, when he became a slave to the dark gods, believing that his flesh was weak, and only metal in its purest form would prevent him from dying did he become Kosmos the Unbending. Upon performing such deeds as to draw favor from all four chaos gods, did he become Kosmos the Reborn. His body became a living metal, his wings and axe pure crystal. In this form, Kosmos treads the mortal realms, the blessings of each of the chaos gods on full display. 
Before, Kosmos the Unbending esched any kind of patronage from the gods of chaos, but in his reborn immortal form, kosmos let the gifts be on full display. The Red Cloak of Bloodshedding from Khorne, allowed Kosmos to absorb the life energies of those he slew, preventing any of their blood from marking his perfect skin. The boiling boots of Nurgle allowed Kosmos to sterilize the ground around him, to remove competition for grandfathers smallest followers to propagate and multiply without hindrance. The crystal axe and crystal wings of tzeentch, allows Kosmos to absorb enemy magics. The crowning gift, the metal body of slaanesh, coveted for its immutable perfection and protection, the goal of Kosmos’ long campaigns in the mortal realms. With these gifts in hand, Kosmos leads his followers across the mortal realms, spreading his gospel of the immutable flesh, and bringing more and more followers to his idealized chaotic vision.


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