Shards of Valagharr (Shards of Ebroroti)

Shards of Ebroroti

This creation of the mad necromancer Ebroroti Mortice, a former Death Lord of Nagash, was formed relatively recently. Ebroroti was a historian, gathering forbidden tomes in order to gain knowledge of her surroundings. She found a lost tome of Ephyrx during her travels through the realm of metal. This tome had a detailed creation process for the brass skulls used by Ephyrx to siphon energy off of Ghal Maraz, and eventually used to capture the soul stuff of Stormcast Eternals. Using this knowledge, Ebroroti created the Shards of Ebroroti to capture and store the souls of slain stormcast eternals. However, the influx of magic from the necroquake has caused the shards to overload with power, allowing for lightning ghiests that are contained within to escape. Canny generals know how to use these broken shards against their opponents to cause confusion and disruption within enemy lines.


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