
Welcome weary traveler. What can I offer you? A relaxing tea, a soothing balm? Perhaps something that can make you the silvered tongue devil you always thought you were?
No? None of those things? What do you want then?
Oh…, you want to murder people. Well, not murder, death in war is rarely called murder. I see, I see, luckily for you, I happen to have just what you want. Over my years, I have collected contacts. For the right price, I’ll provide you the contacts for these dogs of war. Just beware, they always collect their due.

Hello! Thank you for stopping by and perusing all of the models that I have collected and painted over the years. The following pages were born from an idea, and the love for the narrative side of Age of Sigmar. I have never had a problem with painting my miniatures, and I usually am able to fully finish painting one unit before I move on to work on the next. What I enjoy about the hobby the most is how the miniatures are used to tell a story, and to my shame, the stories that my armies have made have been forgotten to the mists of unrecorded time. 
To rectify that, I made a goal. My goal for this year, and forever more, is to start writing fluff for each unit that I finish. Whether it is a small amount of background information, or full stories, I want them to be remembered. My goal, is that every time I finish painting a new unit, I write some background for that unit before moving on to the next.
The main army that I will be starting this for is my Slaves to Darkness army. I felt that this would be the perfect time, since I only have five models for this army built, and none painted. In addition, I hope to keep a war journal for my chaos leader, and record the triumphs and downfalls that this character faces in the games that I play.
However, I also have a Free-guild Army, Legions of Nagash, and Nighthaunt army that have been painted. These units will be added as I have time to go back and repaint, or add information about at my leisure. 
I hope that you enjoy this blog, and that enjoy the narrative I create, and it inspires you to tackle a goal that you have set for yourself in your hobby career.



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