
Showing posts from September, 2019

Hallowhold Background

Hallowhold, the City of Sanctity, twice blessed by sigmar, the city of light and shadow, illumination and intrigue. Hallowhold was founded after the Realmgate Wars, quickly developing into a sprawling metropolis. Like Hammerhal, Hallowhold is split in the middle by a massive realmgate. Half of the city can be found in shining brilliance in the Realm of Light, Hallowhold-Hysh, while the other half can be found in the obscuring mists of the Realm of Shadow, Hallowhold-Ulgu.  Hallowhold was founded by a single stormkeep belonging to the Knights of the Dragon’s Eye Stormcast Eternals Strike Chamber. Other than the realmgate leading to Ulgu close to the storm keep, none could remember why that location was picked for a storm keep. The surrounding area was a vast open plain of reflective glass, with no natural resources or tactical advantage to speak of. However, because of this isolation, the Stormkeep was relatively safe from attack all throughout the Realmgate Wars, only seeing b...

Kosmos the Reborn

Kosmos Reborn When he was a mortal, fighting for the god king, he was known as Kosmos the Coward. Then, when he became a slave to the dark gods, believing that his flesh was weak, and only metal in its purest form would prevent him from dying did he become Kosmos the Unbending. Upon performing such deeds as to draw favor from all four chaos gods, did he become Kosmos the Reborn. His body became a living metal, his wings and axe pure crystal. In this form, Kosmos treads the mortal realms, the blessings of each of the chaos gods on full display.  Before, Kosmos the Unbending esched any kind of patronage from the gods of chaos, but in his reborn immortal form, kosmos let the gifts be on full display. The Red Cloak of Bloodshedding from Khorne, allowed Kosmos to absorb the life energies of those he slew, preventing any of their blood from marking his perfect skin. The boiling boots of Nurgle allowed Kosmos to sterilize the ground around him, to remove competition for...

Heskal von Drak, Immortal Lord of Khorne

Heskel von Drak, Immortal Lord of Khorne Not much is known about Heskel von Drak’s life before he became an immortal fighter in the mortal realms. Heskel is one of the very rare, and very few vampires that has forsaken Nagash’s claim on his soul in favor of a new master. Granted, this decision was not committed out of fealty to Khorne, but out of a basic instinct to survive.  When Nagash declared Hallowhold to blaspheme against his name, Heskel was sent to be the envoy of their destruction. However, Heskel never made it past one battle with the protectors of that vaunted city. Upon the plains leading up to the gates of Hallowhold-Ulgu, Heskel came across a Lord of Khorne named Ash. Heskel was sure that he could easily outmatch the mortal warrior. As he charged in, Ash sliced the air in front of Heskel, opening up a tear that led straight into the blood gods domain. Heskel was moving too fast to avoid the tear, and fell straight in. Once in the Realm of Blood, H...

Aethervoid Pendulum

Aethervoid Pendulum  This Aethervoid Pendulum was summoned in the realm of shadow by a nighthaunt wizard. It was used to cleave through the defenses of a freeguild fort that defended the outskirts of Hallowhold. Unfortunately for the Guardian of Souls that Cast the Pendulum, it did not get out of the way in time for the reverse swing of the pendulum.